2017-06-21 - Summer Solstice Anacostia Adventure

^z 29th March 2023 at 7:12pm

~19 miles @ ~15 min/mi

"15 What?" Cait asks as we approach the middle of the National Mall.

"15 Miles!" is the reply. Today is her longest trek ever, a Dawn Patrol summer solstice Anacostia adventure.

Our odyssey tour takes in landmarks of downtown Washington DC: Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, the World War II memorial, Union Station, and more. We explore part of the new Anacostia Riverwalk Trail. It's a warm day but less humid than some recent soggy ones.

"Did the ancient Romans run around the Colosseum? Did the Greeks do hillwork to the Acropolis?" we muse on the climb to the 14th Street bridge. Kerry pauses for selfies at Nats Stadium. Kristin suggests we consider closing the loop via a trail along the east bank of the Potomac.

A red-winged blackbird perches on the South Capitol St bridge. Cait gets gummy bears at Union Station; Kerry and I snag iced coffee; Kristin goes for an ice cream cone.

"Try something new!" counsels the unicorn oracle card drawn last night. We do!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-07-13